What Are Accounts Payable? How Zil Money Can Assist You

Nov 11, 2022 | Accounting

Zil Money is a financial technology company, not a bank or an FDIC member. Zil Money offers banking services through partnership with FDIC member banks Silicon Valley Bank, Texas National Bank, and East-West Bank.

Accounts Payable is a crucial aspect of running a business; if these problems are not resolved, they can lead to ineffective procedures, higher invoice processing costs, and strained vendor relationships. Zil Money provides you with the best methods for Accounts Payable, and we offer you OnlineCheckWriter.com, a check printing platform, and Zil, an online bank, for your business purposes. Zil Money gives more importance to the features for managing your business finance. Keep reading to learn more about accounts payable and how our platform can assist you.

Accounts Payable

Accounts payable (AP) refers to the short-term debt and liability on a balance sheet that a company owes to its suppliers and vendors who have given the company credit for goods or services. Accounts payable is another name for the division that manages vendor bills or invoices and enters the current liabilities in the general ledger. Before paying their vendors, the AP department would compare invoices to orders to make sure the products or services were indeed received.

What is an Accounts Payable Invoice?

An accounts payable invoice is a payment request sent to the accounts payable department from a supplier. These bills typically represent unpaid balances for certain goods or services purchased.

The Process in Account payable

  • Invoice Capture.
  • Invoice Approval.
  • Payment Authorization.
  • Payment Execution.

Is Accounts Payable a Debit or Credit Entry?

Accounts payable should have a credit item because it is a liability. This credit balance then shows the amount due to a supplier. Accounts payable must be debited when a business pays a supplier to reduce the credit amount.

Document Management in Account Payable

In today’s digital age, businesses must manage an increasing paper volume. Due to the diversity of papers stored by various firms, users must search through numerous systems to find the right document. Create a digital invoice with Zil Money and send it via email.

Accounts Payable thrives when its records are easy to search, well-organized, and accessible to all relevant users, just like all aspects of finance. However, if a system cannot manage the volume of documents, account payable performance may deteriorate.

Contrarily, Account Payable teams who use a solid document management solution usually achieve faster performance, improved visibility, and higher confidence levels in their company’s financial reporting. A robust solution typically provides a solitary point of truth, automated workflows, faster search, and transparency.

Challenges in Managing Account Payable Documentation

  • Time-Taking Procedures
  • The escalating price of audits.
  • Documents that are machine readable.
  • A greater risk to security.

Accounts Payable vs Trade Payables

Although “accounts payable” and “trade payables” are frequently used synonymously, they have slightly different meanings. The term “trade payables” describes the sums owed to suppliers for inventory, including tools, supplies, and other commercial items. The term “accounts payable” describes the accrued payments or obligations that a company owes, such as labor, leasing, and other expenses.

Accounts Payable vs Accounts Receivable

The concepts of accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) are opposites. Accounts payable refers to the money a business owes its suppliers, whereas accounts receivable refers to the money that a business is owed, generally by clients. When a business conducts a credit transaction with another, the first company records an entry to accounts payable, while the second record an access to accounts receivable.

Account Payable in Zil Money

Zil Money allows you to process Accounts Payable swiftly without incurring transaction costs. You can print official checks of any bank utilizing our platform, all from your home or workplace convenience. You can also email them to the recipient or print them off. Additionally, you have access to real-time payments, ACH, Printable Checks by email and SMS, and other digital payment options.

Relation between Cash flow and Account Payable

Accounts payable are listed as a short-term obligation on the balance sheet of any purchasing company. How accounts payable are managed over time can have a significant impact on cash flow.

Accounts payable are regarded as a source of cash, so if it is managed well, businesses can benefit from supplier agreements and boost their cash flow and cash on hand. To accomplish particular goals, business managers and accountants can reference their accounts payable and adjust their cash flow accordingly.

If you are looking for the best platform to manage accounts payable, Zil Money will be the right solution for you. Start using Zil Money and manage accounts payable like a pro. Our platform also provides you with many other features like payroll and invoice management, ACH, Wire, eCheck and  many other services.

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