Press Kit
Looking for Zil Money brand assets? Our latest assets, including logos, press releases, executive team, and more are available to dowload here. You can make use these assets for fair uses like marketing purposes.
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Zil Money is a financial technology company, not a bank. Zil Money offers banking services through partnership with FDIC member banks Silicon Valley Bank and Texas National Bank.
Zil Money trademark logo can be used for marketing or affiliate purposes. The logo can be used without any alteration in the shape or colours. The size of logo can be adjusted without making distortions in the shape.
Get ready made banners with Zil Money features in most common sizes for the marketing purposes.
The personalities behind the successful journey of Zil Money Corporation. Download the photographs of our authorities here. These photographs can be used for making biography or news articles.
Sabeer Nelli
Justin Timlin
Kumar Kushal
Afzal Modak
Chief Financial Officer
Mohanraj Makkuni
Chief Marketing Officer
David Tilis
Head of Banking
About Zil Money
At Zil Money, with our client-centric business model, we pledge to provide convenient and efficient services to our customers to facilitate business operations. We focus on changing the way small and medium businesses operate by combining innovative technologies and security in online banking
Press Releases on Zil Money
Zil Money has been featured on different news reports and press releases for the successful creations of milestones in the business world.